362 Public Records
of Angel Rodriguez Found.

We found 362 records in New York for Angel Rodriguez including phone numbers, addresses and more.
People named Angel Rodriguez live mostly in Brooklyn, Bronx, New York and have average age of 59.

Angel Rodriguez

65 years old, from New York

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  • 690 10th Ave Apt 5N, New York, NY

Possible emails:

  • ************6@yahoo.com


  • 65 years old (born Mar 10, 1959)

Home ownership:

  • Yes

Length of residence:

  • 2021-2024

Marital Status:

  • Single

Political Affiliation:

  • Democratic

Angel Rodriguez

68 years old, from New York


  • 583 Riverside Dr Apt 3K, New York, NY


  • 68 years old (born Jun 6, 1956)


  • Male

Home ownership:

  • Yes

Length of residence:

  • 2010-2024

Marital Status:

  • Single

Household Income:

  • $37400


  • Completed High School

Political Affiliation:

  • Democratic

Angel Rodriguez

undefined years old, from New York


  • 405 E 92nd St Apt 8L, New York, NY

Possible emails:

  • ************a@gmail.com

Home ownership:

  • Yes

Angel Rodriguez

53 years old, from New York


  • 211 Sprague Ave, Staten Island, NY


  • 53 years old (born Jun 25, 1971)

Home ownership:

  • Yes

Length of residence:

  • 2010-2024

Home Value:

  • $341300

Marital Status:

  • Single


  • 1 Child


  • Completed College

Political Affiliation:

  • Democratic

Did you Know?

People named Angel Rodriguez are mostly Catholic

22.916% usually vote Democratic Party while 9.728% consider Republican Party

Angel Rodriguez name is mostly see in Miami, Orlando, Bronx.

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